Saturday, December 12, 2009

Finding Sustainable Seafood in San Diego

We should all be more informed on this...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Scholarship Opportunities

The San Diego Foundation has a great list of scholarship opportunities available just in San Diego county and the in the country.

Their website is:

Here's an opportunity to start searching for scholarships.

Good luck!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wolfram/Alpha - New Resource for YOU!! :)

Interesting Resource -->

If you’re writing an essay or a speech for class, WolframAlpha is a great resource. It has an enormous words and linguistics database that you can use for such things as word definitions, and word origins, synonyms, and hyphenation, amongst other things...Check it out! Explore!

Friday, September 11, 2009


For any of you who are interested in flying up to Monterey to check out colleges (or UCSC or San Luis Obispo), I found an amazing deal on:

$40RT from SD-Monterey

Good luck! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Welcome, Class of 2010!!!

Welcome, Class of 2010!!! I am soooo excited to finally get to know you better, as well as learn and grow from you!

I will be using this blog to post announcements, and as a means to communicate with you outside the classroom. You will also be able to find all of your own blog sites linked from mine...Make sure you check this site daily!

Good luck in your senior year, and I have no doubt you will all accomplish amazing things! :)
