Although small in stature, and fairly weak-looking, David, the mechanical "enginerd," actually presented a formidable challenge to the champion...
Here is the list you have all been waiting so patiently for...
1. intrepid - adj.
2. trepidation - n.
3. despondent - adj.
4. decorum - n.
5. aspire - v.
6. vacillate - v.
7. desultory - adj.
8. fallacy - n.
9. formidable - adj.
10. heritage - n.
11. guru - n.
Wait, you said there were ten?! There are. The eleventh is a chance at extra credit…for now (and don't you ever even think you can ask for it again) ;). It has been a while since our last vocabulary set, so just remember, it’s your job to give it your own twist. Use whatever image you think will help you remember the definitions. However, don't just stop with images (with their corresponding sentences/explanations) and definitions of terms - you want to practice these words as often as possible...otherwise, you will forget them!! You’ve got to make the word your own, with your own particular understanding of it. Adopt it into your vernacular as your own peculiar stepchild. You’ll never use the word in quite the same manner that I would, so it’s best you carve out a unique niche for it in the microcosm of your mind. :)
Have fun!
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